42. Charny asks: So a hundred or a hundred and twenty men at arms from the garrison of a city leave, all in one common undertaking to go attack a city of their enemies. So they ride out at night, during which one party of them loses track of the others; and the others find themselves in the morning before the city of their enemies. And their enemies see them, so they sally out and fight with those who have come before them and defeat them and take possession of the field and lead their prisoners and their people inside their city. Then those of the defeated company who were lost in the night approach the place where their companions were lost and learn about the defeat. So they undertake among themselves that they should not retreat to their city before they have done some damage to their enemies. So they remain a good three days and in these three days gain good prisoners and many other goods and return to their city with all their gains. Many of the prisoners, in other words their companions who were lost, come back, some on their faith, some on a bond, and demand a share of the gains which their companions have made; and their companions say no. Many good arguments are given either side. How will it be judged by the law of arms?
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