47. Charny asks: Part of a garrison of a city, a hundred or a hundred and twenty men at arms, depart on an enterprise by agreement, including booty in common. So they ride out of the city to attack their enemies' country; and in riding at night one of the companions, with ten men of arms from among the companions, by chance loses the rest. And when he sees that he has lost track of the others, he returns to the city which he left and disarms himself and feeds his horses and then mounts his horse. After he has eaten in the said city he rides out alone with his companions and gains prisoners, horses, spoils and many other goods, and takes all his gains to safety in the city from which he came. And he finds the others in whose company he first set out from the city, who have gained in the same manner a great deal from their enemies. So the companion with the ten men at arms demands his share of booty from the companions in whose company he had set out with in the morning and whom he had lost track of. In annoyance the other companions say no. Many good arguments are made on either side. What will be said about it by men at arms?
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